THROWING ROCKS, BUILDING BRIDGES: Centering and Uplifting our Intersecting Voices

This year's theme continues to build on previous convention themes with the goal of encouraging necessary and difficult conversations that can strengthen research, practice, and advocacy efforts in Asian American mental health. Our theme for this year focuses on individual and community empowerment that centers around (re)claiming space, uplifting our voices, and acknowledging all the intersecting identities that make us unique. Intersectionality is defined by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw as “how overlapping or intersecting social identities, particularly minority identities, relate to systems and structures of oppression, domination, or discrimination.” Our hope is that this theme will be a call to action to honor those that inspire us to keep fighting for our values and beliefs while acknowledging the efforts of AAPA’s current and past members.


“Throwing rocks, building bridges” is a tribute to the past, present, and future of AAPA. We stand upon the shoulders of our elders - the ones who have provided the rocks necessary for the current generation to throw. As rock throwers and agitators, the current generation pushes the boundaries necessary to successfully propel AAPA into the future, with the recognition that we are in the same fight. Our elders laid the foundation from where we build the bridges to our common goals. By encouraging members to acknowledge our past and present, we aim to move towards breaking down walls and building bridges between AAPI and other groups, our multiple identities, and subgroups within AAPA in celebration for the future of our organization.

Keynote Speaker

Rev. Trinity A. Ordona, Ph.D.


Rev. Trinity A. Ordona, Ph.D. is a lesbian Filipino-American college teacher, activist, community organizer, and ordained minister residing in the San Francisco Bay area. She is notable for her grassroots work on intersectional social justice. Impressively, Trinity has a 50-year history of civil rights activism in local, national and international arenas. Her current activism includes issues of voice and visibility for Asian/Pacific gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals and their families, lesbians of color, and survivors of sexual abuse. She is co-founder and board member of numerous initiatives such as the Asian/Pacific Islander Family Pride (APIFP), an organization that provides resources to parents and siblings of API LGBT people. She has also received several awards including: the UCSF Chancellor's Award for Public Service, Northern California GLBT Historical Society Award for Individual Historic Achievement, the Bay Area Career Women’s Lesbian of Achievement, Vision and Action Award, “The 20 Most Influential Lesbian Professors” by Curve Magazine, and the “Phoenix Award” (along with her life partner, Desiree Thompson) by the Asian/Pacific Islander Queer Women and Transgender Community (APIQWTC) of San Francisco.

Trinity received her doctorate in History of Consciousness from UC Santa Cruz where she studied social movements with Barbara Epstein, Judy Yung and Angela Davis.  She has published widely and presented in community and academic venues across the U.S. and in Canada, Japan, India, and the Philippines. She currently teaches classes on lesbian relationships, queer communities of color, racial and ethnic groups in the U.S., and techniques for abuse recovery at City College of San Francisco and will retire at the end of 2018. In addition to teaching, Trinity founded and coordinated Healing For Change, a CCSF student organization that sponsored campus-community healing events directed to survivors of violence and abuse. As an ordained minister, Trinity works with survivors of sexual violence, teaching self-healing meditation and facilitating access to non-discursive healing modalities from Western and Eastern healing traditions for underserved and marginalized racial, ethnic, and sexual minority populations. In 2015, she and her sister, Francesca Ordona Hollingsworth, founded Inner Beauty Healing ( to provide access to these healing tools to the public.

Schedule At A Glance

2018 AAPA Convention Schedule at a Glance 8.2.18 1


7:15pm at Far East Cafe,
located in the heart of SF’s historic and lively Chinatown

at 631 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94108.


The restaurant is about 8 miles away from our Convention location (City College SF- Ocean Campus).

Please plan accordingly. We will not be providing shuttles this year.

The restaurant is approximately 30 minutes via drive/Lyft/Uber or cumulatively ~32 minutes via BART (13 minute BART ride +11 mins walking to BART and +11 mins walking to the restaurant).


Banquet menu will include:


Far East Salad (vegan+veggie friendly)

Honey Walnut Prawns

Stir-fry Dual Meat Strips

Veggie Delight (vegan+veggie friendly)

Steamed White Rice

Crispy Fried Chicken

Spicy String-beans w/ Tofu (vegan+veggie friendly)

Peking Duck with Buns

Steamed Whole Fish


Georgia State University College of Law

Nearby Places To Stay

Contact Information

Convention Co-Chairs
Nic Rider
Justine Fan 

AVI/Refreshments Committee:
Glenn Masuda
Pooja Mammidana
Jennifer Hsia

Mentor/Mentee Committee:
Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt
Alicia Ibaraki
Calvin Sims

Program Committee:
Annabelle Atkin
Lily Lau
Wilson To

Book Sales Committee:
Ankita Krishnan
Chi Yeung
Sunny Ho

Poster Committee:
Iris Miao
Dieu Truong

Registration Committee:
Ming Tu
Wells Ling

Volunteer Committee:
Amber Pham
Joanna Maung

Sessions Committee:
Frances Shen
Yun Garrison

Banquet Committee:
Jenny Tran
Katherine Sheu
Anahli Patel

Media Committee:
Natasha Yamane
Gary Kwok
Kevin Lau

Our Event Apps

Using the event app, attendees can:
  • Update their profile
  • Manage their personal schedule and check-in to sessions
  • Set up 1-to-1 meetings with fellow attendees
  • View sponsors and exhibitors and their representatives, send requests to get their contact details
  • Engage in discussions on the forum

Guests can:
  • Sign up using Facebook or registration form
  • View attendees and speakers, and their publicly available details including submitted abstracts and checked-in sessions.

Exhibitors can:
Use the in-built QR code scanner to scan attendees QR code on their badges and save to their list of vCards (leads). Later those vCards can be exported into Phonebook or in Excel format.